Understanding Compensation for Gunshot Victims in Georgia

March 28, 2024
Personal Injury

Gunshot victims and their families can receive financial compensation through civil lawsuits, crime victim compensation programs, and other sources.

A successful lawsuit could result in damages for pain and suffering, medical expenses, lost wages, and other costs. State-run crime victim compensation programs can assist eligible victims with medical expenses, out-of-pocket expenses, lost wages, burial expenses, and counseling services.

The first step is to contact an attorney who focuses on personal injury cases. The attorney will determine the best course of action based on the case. The amount of compensation depends on the severity of the injury and other factors. It's important to speak with an attorney promptly for maximum protection and compensation.

Victims of crimes and families of deceased victims should Contact Marks Law Group for further support. You can contact our crime victim lawyers at 678-251-9309 to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help.

What Makes a Victim of Crime?

Someone who has been harmed or suffered due to someone else's actions is a victim of crime. Victims can suffer physical injuries, and psychological injuries, be financially exploited, or be impacted in other ways by criminal behavior. Victims include not only those directly affected by the crime but also family members, friends, and witnesses.

Victims have the option to seek legal recourse and may be eligible for financial compensation. Depending on the crime, victims can collect damages through restitution, civil suits, or state-run crime victim compensation programs. Victim advocates and counselors can provide emotional support to victims of violent crimes.

Eligibility Requirements for Crime Victims

To be eligible for crime victim compensation, victims have to meet specific requirements. Generally, victims must have physical injuries from the crime and cooperate with law enforcement in the investigation and prosecution.


They must also file a claim with the appropriate agency within a specified time. Victims injured by gun violence may be eligible for compensation through civil litigation or a crime victim compensation program. For the best outcome, victims should contact a Decatur injury attorney promptly after the incident.

Factors to Consider in Determining Eligibility

When determining eligibility for compensation for gunshot victims, there are several factors to consider. First, the victim must have been legally established as a victim of a firearm incident.

This includes being shot by another person directly with a gun or an indirect shooting such as ricochet shots. It is important to identify the shooter’s intent and if it was a legal or illegal activity that caused the shooting.

Types of Financial Assistance Available to Victims

Gunshot victims often face a wide range of financial losses and hardships due to their injuries, including loss of income, medical bills, and other costs associated with the recovery process. Fortunately, there are several types of financial assistance available to help victims cover these expenses.

Medical Expenses

Gunshot victims face high medical expenses that they may struggle to pay. Bills can reach tens of thousands of dollars, requiring extensive care for recovery. Unfortunately, low income and lack of private health insurance prevent some victims from affording treatment.

To help, certain states have collateral sources for victim compensation programs providing financial assistance without private insurance. These can cover mental health counseling services as well. Victims may also receive money from civil court judgments or settlements.

Funeral Expenses

When a loved one dies from gun violence, the family often faces financial difficulties. Funeral costs for gunshot victims can be high, especially if there were medical expenses before death.

Many families cannot afford to pay the full amount due to a lack of life insurance and financial issues and may struggle to find resources to cover the expenses. Compensation programs and civil court proceedings may offer financial assistance for funeral costs, depending on the state and situation.

Relocation Costs

Relocating after a gunshot injury can be financially and emotionally difficult for victims. To lessen the burden, some states have created victim service provider programs to help cover the costs of relocating after a gun-related incident.

These programs provide financial assistance for victims who need to relocate due to fear or safety concerns caused by their injuries. This can include covering out-of-pocket costs and eligible expenses such as moving travel costs, rent, security deposits, and utility bills.

Loss of Earnings

Gunshot victims not only suffer physically but also experience financial consequences. They may incur medical expenses and lost income due to missed work or extended recovery time. Compensation for lost income can be sought through a lawsuit or direct crime victim law compensation programs.

When it comes to the financial burden of a gunshot victim, it is important to consider more than just medical costs. Gunshot victims often endure numerous other financial burdens related to the crime such as lost wages, legal fees, and property damage.


  • Lost Wages: Many gunshot victims are unable to return to work while they recover from their injuries. This means that they can incur significant amounts of lost wages, especially if the injury is severe. Victims may be able to recover some of these losses through crime victim compensation services or civil lawsuits.
  • Legal Fees: Gunshot victims often need to hire attorneys to seek justice and pursue civil suits against the shooter. Legal fees associated with these cases can add up quickly, leaving victims struggling to pay for necessary legal representation. Fortunately, many states offer assistance for victims through programs for crime victims to help offset legal costs.
  • Property Damage: Gunshot victims may also experience property damage caused by the crime. This can include damage to their home, vehicle, or other personal property. Depending on the state, there may be programs available that provide financial assistance for these expenses.

Compensation Claims Process

The process of filing a compensation claim for gunshot victims can be complex and overwhelming. It is important to understand all the steps involved, including finding a qualified lawyer or legal representative, collecting the necessary paperwork, and filing the appropriate forms with your state and federal government.

The first step in making a compensation claim for gunshot victims is to consult with an experienced attorney. This will ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the full compensation you deserve.

Your Decatur premises liability attorney will help you gather all the necessary paperwork to support your claim, including medical bills, property damage estimates, and statements from witnesses. Once all these documents have been collected, your lawyer can then file a compensation claim for counseling expenses, a claim for injuries received, and a claim for compensation with the state or federal government.

The process of filing a claim for eligible crime victims may vary depending on the jurisdiction, so it is important to consult with an experienced attorney or legal representative for more information.

Call Marks Law Group Today!

If you or someone you love has been the victim of a gun-related incident, you need the help of an experienced lawyer to get the justice and compensation you deserve. Call Marks Law Group today! Our legal team will provide legal advice and representation on any matter related to gun violence, and Georgia's crime victim law.

We know how devastating and traumatizing gun violence can be, and we are dedicated to helping victims seek justice and compensation. Contact us today at 678-251-9309 for a free consultation.